Sunday, January 30. 2022
F. Iavernaro3
Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita di Bari, I-70125 Bari, Italy
D. Trigiante
Dipartimento di Energetica, Universita di Firenze, I-50134 Firenze, Italy
Received 11 March, 2009; accepted in revised form 23 April, 2009
Dedicated to John Butcher on the occasion of his 75th birthday
Abstract: We define a class of arbitrary high order symmetric one-step methods that, when applied to Hamiltonian systems, are capable of precisely conserving the Hamiltonian function when this is a polynomial, whatever the initial condition and the stepsize h used.
The key idea to devise such methods is the use of the so called discrete line integral, the discrete counterpart of the line integral in conservative vector fields. This approach naturally suggests a formulation of such methods in terms of block Boundary Value Methods, although they can be recast as Runge-Kutta methods, if preferred.
Thursday, December 9. 2010
Keywords: Two-point Boundary Value Problems, singular perturbation problems, finite difference schemes, upwind method, mesh variation.
Abstract: We propose a simple and quite efficient code to solve singular perturbation problems when the perturbation parameter ǫ is very small. The code is based on generalized upwind methods of order ranging from 4 to 10 and uses highly variable stepsize to fit the boundary regions with relatively few points. An extensive numerical test section shows the effectiveness of the proposed technique on linear problems.
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Thursday, December 9. 2010
Keywords: Linear differential systems, time window, spectral approximation, waveform relaxation.
Abstract: We establish a relation between the length T of the integration window of a linear differential equation x′+Ax = b and a spectral parameter s∗. This parameter is determined by comparing the exact solution x(T) at the end of the integration window to the solution of a linear system obtained from the Laplace transform of the differential equation by freezing the system matrix. We propose a method to integrate the relation s∗ = s∗(T) into the determination of the interval of rapid convergence of waveform relaxation iterations. The method is illustrated with a few numerical examples.
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Thursday, December 9. 2010
Keywords: Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations, General Linear Methods, Boundary Value Methods (BVMs), Generalized Backward Differentiation Formulae (GBDF), Blended Implicit Methods, blended iteration.
Abstract: Among the methods for solving ODE-IVPs, the class of General Linear Methods (GLMs) is able to encompass most of them, ranging from Linear Multistep Formulae (LMF) to RK formulae. Moreover, it is possible to obtain methods able to overcome typical drawbacks of the previous classes of methods. For example, order barriers for stable LMF and the problem of order reduction for RK methods. Nevertheless, these goals are usually achieved at the price of a higher computational cost. Consequently, many efforts have been made in order to derive GLMs with particular features, to be exploited for their efficient implementation. In recent years, the derivation of GLMs from particular Boundary Value Methods (BVMs), namely the family of Generalized BDF (GBDF), has been proposed for the numerical solution of stiff ODE-IVPs [11]. In particular, in [8], this approach has been recently developed, resulting in a new family of L-stable GLMs of arbitrarily high order, whose theory is here completed and fully worked-out. Moreover, for each one of such methods, it is possible to define a corresponding Blended GLM which is equivalent to it from the point of view of the stability and order properties. These blended methods, in turn, allow the definition of efficient nonlinear splittings for solving the generated discrete problems. A few numerical tests, confirming the excellent potential of such blended methods, are also reported.
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Thursday, December 9. 2010
Keywords: seismic tomography, spectral-element method, adjoint-method, Australia
Abstract: We propose a novel technique for seismic waveform tomography on continental scales. This is based on the fully numerical simulation of wave propagation in complex Earth models, the inversion of complete waveforms and the quantification of the waveform discrepancies through a specially designed phase misfit. The numerical solution of the equations of motion allows us to overcome the limitations of ray theory and of finite normal mode summations. Thus, we can expect the tomographic models to be more realistic and physically consistent. Moreover, inverting entire waveforms reduces the non-uniqueness of the tomographic problem. Following the theoretical descriptions of the forward and inverse problem solutions, we present preliminary results for the upper mantle structure in the Australasian region.
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Thursday, December 9. 2010
Keywords: Stiff problems, A-stability, stability barriers, order stars, order arrows, nonlinear stability.
Abstract: We discuss two events with profound implications on the way initial value problems are solved numerically. The first was the identification of stiffness as a widely spread phenomenon affecting the ability to obtain useful results. The second was the definition of A-stability as an important approach to overcoming the effect of stiffness. Not only was the idea associated with A-stability significant in its own time but it has had long term effects including new theoretical questions as well as the tools for solving them.
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